In conjunction with Global Money Week, Visa recently announced the launch of Mind Your Ringgit financial literacy themed web game. Developed in line with the official theme of the campaign ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’, the 12-month simulation game encompasses elements to highlight the importance of building financial resilience and staying healthy on normal and rainy days in times of crisis, for example during a pandemic. Derived from the acronym MYR, which is the international code for the Malaysian Ringgit, the game has been developed in support of the Financial Education Network, co-chaired by Bank Negara Malaysia and Securities Commission Malaysia.
Mind Your Ringgit is a choice-based game in which players will be asked questions relevant to real-life scenarios. They are then required to make financial and lifestyle decisions based on the available options that will affect their money, health, and happiness. To begin the game, players are required to select a goal that they would like to achieve in a year. Each month, they will also have to achieve a set milestone to progress in the game. Part of the milestones is ensuring players have enough money to pay for their financial commitments. Throughout the game, players can also utilise the budget manager tool to keep track of their savings, debts, and commitments to help manage their money wisely.
Visa Country Manager for Malaysia, Ng Kong Boon, said, “As the world’s leader in digital payments, we strongly feel the responsibility to instil financial literacy among the youths of today in order to create a generation of adults who can make wise financial decisions and be financially independent. Mind Your Ringgit was created specifically to manage the expectations of young Malaysians when they begin to earn their own wages.”
“We have incorporated financial themes such as financial scams, digital payments, insurance, investments, loans, and savings in hopes that it will create awareness for situations that they may potentially encounter in real life. Through these simulations, we hope to provide a safe space for players to learn, save, and earn as they explore different options. The game also provides players instant feedback through the addition or deduction of the money, health, and happiness attributes when they make each choice as well as the financial tips at the end of each month.”
Mind Your Ringgit is currently being rolled out in four phases on a bi-weekly basis. Today, Malaysians can access month one to month three of the game on